Next Meeting: 17/07/2019 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes of 6th March 2019: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed AB, seconded JH
Planning Applications: Planning application 1900807/FUL householder application for single storey rear and side extension to form garden room and utility.
The planning documents were viewed and discussed. Concerns were raised by AS that the neighbouring properties to the application site had not been informed but BC informed Councillors that he had only received the application in the last 24 hours so letters to residents should be on their way. Cllr Saddington advised that if residents have concerns we could request a site meeting, the matter could be referred to the planning committee and Councillors could raise their objections at committee level. AS briefly left the meeting. Councillors inspected the documents further and could find no grounds for objection to the current plan despite concerns over further future development. A vote was taken and the planning was approved by 5 votes to 2. AS returned to the meeting.
Highways: JH ha been in contact with the Senior Liaison Officer, Mike Keeling regarding the use of the roads through Bathley by large groups of cyclists, horses riding side by side and pedestrians who have to walk on the road as we have no footpaths. He has asked Cllr Laughton to check the legal position with Highways to see if we can get more signage to improve safety for pedestrians. Mike Keeling has been in touch via email and it was agreed to arrange a site meeting on May 20th to discuss the options.
Financial Matters: A cheque was raised for £167.44 to Zurich Insurance for BPC annual insurance cover. Proposed AB, seconded JH
The Acer lap top cover from Knowhow runs out on 16th May. We have had notification that renewing the cover will cost £109. It was agreed not to purchase the further cover and put the money towards an upgraded one as and when necessary.
HH inspected the accounts and cheque book in preparation for the annual accounting. We are waiting for bank statements to come through before the accounts can be finalised.
General Correspondence: Forwarded via email and noted
AOB: Discussions were had regarding overgrown hedges which are too close to the road. BC to mention it to resident.
Councillors asked about the legality of putting stones on verges to deter traffic. There is no law against it but householders are held responsible if anyone does any damage to themselves or their car.
Discussions were had about reducing the speed limit to 20mph through the village and the parking of cars on the road. It was agreed to discuss the matters with Mike Keeling at the site meeting.