
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8th January 2020 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 11/03/2020 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)


Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith

Declaration Of Interest:
Madeleine Reed regarding planning application at Windy Ridge due to family connection.

Flooding and Roads:  MR stated that that the pot holes are still as bad and that although they have been painted and noted, the paint is fading.  JH asked BL if we can write to NCC to complain about the state of the roads and said that although the holes are repaired periodically it is not sufficient to just fill them as within a matter of weeks or months the fill is dislodged by traffic and the hole reappears.  BL advised that the only option is to continue to fill them as Highways do not have the budget to do anything further.  It was agreed that we should write to Mr Jenrick MP to request a site visit and ask for him to give serious consideration to giving extra funding to repair the roads properly.  JH said he would be available to meet with Mr Jenrick when needed.  SG to write to Mr Jenrick.

BPC noted that the dyke near Elm Farm is a danger as there are no safety barriers along the edge of the road and it would be easy for vehicles to enter the ditch.  It was agreed that BPC would request safety bollards from Via.

Chapel Lane signage has been requested and is in progress.

Planning Applications: 19/02162/FUL Windy Ridge, Main Street Bathley. Householder application for first floor side extension and single storey rear extension including internal alterations and new access drive/turning area and front retaining wall.

The above application was viewed and discussed and was unanimously approved with one abstention due to declaration of interest as stated above.



Financial Matters: 

The carol singing monies collected amounted to £415.72.  It was agreed to raise cheques to North Muskham Parish Church and Cancer Research UK in the amount of £207.86 each.  Proposed JH seconded DH

It was agreed to raise a cheque in the sum of £660 from the fighting fund at Nottingham Building Society to Boyer Planning in respect of their letter to the Planning Inspectorate for the appeal at the Land at Crossways.  Proposed MR seconded DH

Duplicate invoice for dog bin collection was paid in the sum of £237.12 to NSDC.  Proposed BC seconded AB

A cheque was raised to Jim Hawkins for the defibrillator maintenance, battery, fluorescent tubes and light fitting which he paid to Community Heartbeat, in the sum of £228.24.  Proposed AB seconded HH

A cheque was raised to Sally Grogan for clerks fees in the sum of £260.  Proposed MR seconded JH

The Parish Precept figure will be £1505.00 as agreed at previous meeting and clerk will inform NSDC by 31st January.

General correspondence:  Correspondence has been emailed to Councillors and noted

AOB:  A request was made to use the telephone box as a book swap location for the village and putting shelves up inside it.  Councillors commented that this would detract from the prime function of the phone box as the site for the defibrillator.  More serious is the increase in Fire Risk with books, paper material in an area open to the public.  Furthermore, the phone box and defibrillator are Parish Council Assets worth >£8,000 notwithstanding reconnection of power to the facility if it were to catch fire.  Many villages run book clubs from the local Pubs and BPC will ask the Publicans at The Crown to consider if they are willing to facilitate the Book Club.  Bathley still enjoys a Mobile Library service provided by NCC. and it is hoped that residents will continue to support this.

BPC noted that the post box is toppling over.  Clerk to request new post.

Gullies near Elm Farm have not been attended to.  Clerk to chase NCC.

Christmas meal date decided for 1st February at The Crown pub in Bathley

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