
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2020 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 02/12/2020 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Sally Grogan (SG)


Julie Pulford (JP), Adam Bradley (AB)

Members Of The Public:
Deborah Janes

Declaration Of Interest:

Flooding:  BC has been in touch with Cllr Laughton what the Council will be doing regarding the dykes and flooding issues in question and will follow up with Cllr Laughton to get a further response.  The problems are that it is the landowners responsibility to drain their own land and BC said he would contact the owner of the land behind the houses in question along the bottom of Bathley Hill to discuss.  To be updated at next meeting.

Roads:  Further pot holes have been reported

Planning:  Ref 20/01842/FUL The plans were viewed and it was unanimously agreed to approve them.

Financial Matters:  Further to the notice from The Nottingham Building Society of both our accounts, BC has received a cheque from The Nottingham for the closure of one of the accounts.  There are however 2 accounts with The Nottingham so the cheque has not been paid in as yet as we are waiting for the closing cheque from the other account so they can both be paid in together.  Clerk to investigate why we have only received one cheque.

JH requested if he could go ahead and organise the defibrillator pads renewal and be reimbursed for the cost.  This was agreed and thanks were given to JH for organising.

Remembrance Day:  The request for lamp post poppies was again discussed and it was agreed that, at this time BPC would continue to commemorate Remembrance Day with the memorial on the Green rather than purchase poppies for the lampposts.  It was felt that a lot of effort has gone in to creating a memorial and that it should be maintained.  We have a grant forthcoming for the provision of new flags and possibly a new flag pole.  BPC has thanked Cllr Laughton for his offer of grant monies to help with the memorial.  JH asked for permission to spend £20 on a new wreath which was granted.

General correspondence:  Correspondence has been emailed to Councillors and noted.  The What 3 Words programme was discussed and it was agreed that BPC should promote it.

AOB:  Residents have raised the question of wild flower areas in Bathley to promote bees, pollination and wildlife.  It was felt that it is a very nice idea, however, having looked at the feedback, BPC have agreed that the wild flower areas suggested would soon look tired and in need of attention so overall would not be an asset to the village.  There would be costs involved in maintaining the sites and maintenance would be more complicated.  Any further comments would be welcome but at this stage it was agreed that it would make the village look more unkempt so no plans for wild flower areas have been put forward.

Carol singing:  It is with regret that BPC has had to cancel the annual Carol Singing due to Covid restrictions.  It will be sorely missed but will hope to resume in full voice next year.

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