
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 7th November 2018 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 16/01/2018 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)


Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith

Declaration Of Interest:

Planning Application:  None

Remembrance Day Service.  North Muskham Parish Council are having a Remembrance Service on the 11th November at the MRCC and have invited BPC to read out the names of the fallen from Bathley.  HH kindly said she would read out the names and SG will attend with her on behalf of BPC.

Remembrance memorial: JH has researched various options for the poppy shape discussed at the previous meeting.  The resin suggested has to come from Belgium and will cost approx. £500 and to get it in red will cost approx. £2000 with shipping fees etc.  It is also recommended that the resin not be used outside as the colour will degenerate rapidly when exposed to weather.  Councillors agreed that the cost is prohibitive so will look at a cheaper option of painted concrete, even though it will probably need repainting each year, it was agreed that this was a better option.  JH kindly agreed to organise the installation.  It was not expected to be completed for this Remembrance Day however, due to time constraints.

Dog Bin Emptying: A resident has requested that the bin at the Caunton end of the village be re sited as it is not getting a lot of use.  The suggestion of putting it at the top of Hopyard Lane was discussed.  Councillors decided that it would be quite close to the other bin and as we have to pay weekly for each bin to be emptied, IT WAS AGREED that to save money, the bin would be used to replace the rusty one near the green when necessary as it is already on the emptying rota.  Councillors agreed that the expense of putting a bin in such close proximity to another bin, was not warranted.

Financial Matters:  The new precept of £702.97 has been paid.

£30.00 Room rental and expenses for the defibrillator training night on 31st October.  All agreed and a cheque was raised for £30 to The Crown Inn.  Proposed DH, seconded HH

New defibrillator pads have been purchased.  A cheque was raised to Community Heartbeat for £43.00.  Proposed BC, seconded JH

General Correspondence:  Correspondence forwarded via email to Councillors and noted.  No action needed.

AOB:  Repairs needed to safety rails on Main Street by drain and road surface repairs needed.  Councillors asked BL what the marks on the roads meant.  BL advised that white marks have a time scale of 28 days and blue ones 48 hours for repairs to be done.  BL advised that responsibility for the roads is going back to the Council so it will not be Via in the future.  The Council is purchasing 4 machines to repair the pot holes automatically.  JH asked BL if he could speak to Via/Highways about the damaged barrier at Elm Farm bridge and the state of the road at the top of Hopyard Lane which is dangerous.  BL will get highways out to have a look.

BPC has had a delivery of salt.  JH asked which bins are our responsibility.  BL advised that the blue salt bins are the parish’s responsibility and yellow bins are the Council’s responsibility.

The defibrillator training refresher course was a great success, well attended and the presentation was excellent and thanks went to the organisers.  BC had secured funding for the presentation and BPC agreed to pay for the refreshments and venue.

Carol singing date was agreed for 17th December 2018.  SG has applied for licence and is awaiting delivery.

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