Next Meeting: 08/09/2021 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Sally Grogan (SG)
Adam Bradley (AB), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S), Cllr Laughton (Cllr)
Members Of The Public:
Declaration Of Interest:
Planning Applications: None
Roads: BC has been in contact with Mr Duckworth at the County Council regarding Vicarage Lane flooding. There is contaminated water in the dyke and the council have said they would look at it in the next few weeks.
Regarding Hopyard Lane, the County Council do not have money in the budget this year to look at it but will look at it next year when funds become available. BC has also raised the issue of the land on Bathley Hill which floods down to the houses along Main Street. The County Council have not given any dates but will look at it when more funding is available.
It was noted that vehicles are finding it difficult to pass each other as hedges and verges are overgrown. SG to find out it there is money in budget for cutting back and whose responsibility it lies with. Footpaths and by ways were also discussed and noted that vegetation is causing obstructions.
Financial Matters: The Exemption Certificate has been approved and the Notice Period for consultation has been made available.
General Correspondence: Emailed to Cllrs and noted. No matters arising.
AOB: A request has been received to change the location of the dog bin on The Green due to the smell. The re location of the bin was discussed and various locations put forward as follows: Near the new footpath by the garage, near the stables down Bathley Lane. It was agreed to discuss further at next meeting and find out who would be paying for the relocation.