Next Meeting: 14/09/2022 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Julie Pulford (JP), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Alan Smith (Internal Auditor)
Jim Hawkins (JH), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Mrs Kent, Mr J MacArthur
Declaration Of Interest:
Planning Applications: None
Roads: BC reported that the road sign at the crossroads at Vicarage Lane has lost the Caunton direction sign, also the road sign at Foxholes corner has been knocked over. The pot holes at the sides of Vicarage Lane and the entrance to Chapel Lane also need attention. SG to report.
Website: It was agreed that the website should contain the Agendas, Minutes and events and a short paragraph about the Councillors that they can draft themselves so they are happy with it. It was agreed that there should not be a shop on the website.
Financial Matters: SG advised that the Form 126 has been submitted to HMRC for the reclaim of vat for Trevor’s Bench. The form had to be posted as BPC do not have a unique tax reference number as this is the first time we have used the service. So far SG has not had a response from HMRC.
Thanks were given to Cllr Laughton for the £500 towards the village Christmas tree.
It was agreed to reimburse Rita Davison for the £50 cash she provided for the band at the Jubilee celebrations and a cheque was raised for £50. Proposed MR, seconded JP.
General Correspondence: Emailed to Councillors and noted.
AOB: Mrs Kent spoke about joining the Neighbourhood watch scheme for the village. Cllrs commented and the following points were relayed following research by DH.
The villagers already do most of the things the Neighbourhood Watch suggests by using the Forum and by talking to neighbours. We would have to have another monthly meeting in order to comply with the terms, only about one third of insurers will give a 5 percent discount and may ask for proof of activity – ie monthly meetings in case of a claim. It was agreed that the time needed to adhere to the conditions outweighs the benefits so it was decided not to join at this time.
AS reported that Marshalls is closing down and there will be no bus service from them from the 22nd August. This will significantly affect the users of the service. Cllr Laughton reported that they are in discussion with other companies and the NCC are putting plans in place for an alternative bus service. More information will be available during August which will be circulated to the local Parishes as soon as it is available.
Hedge trimming is needed at The Gables. BC to contact the resident.
SG to follow up on getting the Christmas lights organised.
Date of next meeting: 14th September 2022