
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 26th August 2020 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 07/10/2020 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)

Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH)

Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith

Declaration Of Interest:

Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting of 11th March 2020 were approved. Proposed AB, seconded MR

Planning:  Ref 20/01537/HOUSE householder application for single storey rear extension.  The plans were viewed and it was unanimously agreed to approve them.

Flooding:  Due to the Covid 19 pandemic it has been nearly impossible to arrange site meetings, however, The Chair BC finally met with Mike Keeling and Shaun Brown on Friday 3rd July to view a number of drainage matters including the Elm Farm area where we had requested marker posts.  Unfortunately, we have been advised by Via that the location is too narrow to accommodate verge market posts as they require a minimum of 600 mm from the carriageway edge to the pots plus verge for the installation.  There has since been some work carried out to alleviate the road erosion and the situation will be monitored.  We have not heard back regarding the other drainage issues as it may be another department’s responsibility.  BL said he would follow it up on our behalf.

Financial Matters:  The Annual Governance Statement was read out and the accounts for 2019/2020 were available for viewing and were approved.  Proposed AB, seconded MR

The Nottingham Building Society is closing our accounts on 30th August 2020 and no extensions are allowed.  In previous meetings the Council had agreed to open a new business account with Santander however, due to the current pandemic, no business banking advisors are available and the account can only be opened at a face to face meeting.  It was proposed by AB that we pay the monies in to the account that we already have with Yorkshire Bank.  The matter was discussed and it has been agreed that the cheques from the Nottingham will be paid into our current account with Yorkshire Bank when they are received by the Chair.

Invoice for grass cutting Year 2019 from Crossways Maintenance was approved and a cheque drawn up for £150   Proposed AB, seconded JH

Invoice for the uncontested recharge election on 2nd May 2019 for £60.82 was approved and a cheque drawn up for £60.82 for Newark and Sherwood District Council.  Approved JH Seconded AB

Invoice for clerks fees for January to August 2020 was approved and a cheque drawn up for £200.  Approved JH, seconded MR

General correspondence:  Correspondence has been emailed to Councillors and noted.  There was a request from a resident regarding the purchasing of poppies for lamp posts in the village as neighbouring parishes are displaying them.  The matter was discussed and though some were in favour, it was felt that BPC has put a lot of work into the memorial that we have and to spend more money at this time would be imprudent.  There was also a question of storage of the poppies and who would be responsible for putting them up and taking them down and the risks involved in doing that. Also, that fund raising at this time would be a problem.  It was agreed that, at this time, we would not be approaching the British Legion to purchase poppies for the village.  It was noted that the Union Jack and British flags on our current memorial are getting rather aged and could do with replacing. BL stated that he could help us with the cost of that and the clerk should contact his office to obtain a grant.  Thanks were given to Cllr Laughton.

AOB:  JH requested that we send a message of thanks to Mike Keeling at Via and Notts Police for their prompt attention to the fallen tree on Vicarage Lane.  Clerk to action.

JH proposed some CCTV at either end of the village to help with security.  The matter was discussed and BL advised that it is very expensive and there are concerns about residents’ freedom of movement.  BL advised that BPC could put a bid in to Cllr Saddington to get mobile cameras.  It was agreed that, at this time, BPC would not be installing CCTV cameras.

BPC has had a verbal request for a nomination to join the Parish Council.  Currently there are no spaces on the Parish Council and BC requested that all queries in this regard be addressed directly to him.

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