
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 17th May 2023 @ 8PM

Next Meeting: 12/07/2023 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Dominic Henegan (DH), Hilary Henegan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Alan Smith (Internal Auditor)


Members Of The Public:
Mr A Smith, Mr C Billam

Declaration Of Interest:

DH has organised the painting of the kiosk housing the defibrillator and will take before and after photos.

            Action DH

SG has got quotes for the village gateway signs.  £9,000 to £11,000 for 3 signs depending on specification and design.  Funding is being sought from the County Council Community Fund.

            Action DH

Solar Farm Planning – Cllr S advised that the application has gone back to the planning department so nothing has been decided.

Kings Coronation – the event on the 7th May was very well attended and the village got into the spirit with the scarecrow competition and other events contributing to the success of the day.  Thanks were given from the village committee to Cllr S and BPC for their donations and BPC thanked the committee for organising a great village event.

Tipping by Mill House Stables – Clerk to write to landowner again and if no response, inform Cllr L                                                                                                                                      Action SG

Planning Applications - 23/00634/FUL The application was unanimously supported.

Roads: The ongoing bad state of the roads was discussed again.  Of particular concern is that packs of cyclists come through the village on a regular basis and councillors are worried about an impending incident.  BPC cannot be held responsible as the pot hole and verge issues have been raised but little has been done.  It was agreed that SG should write specifically to Via to highlight our concerns.

Action SG

Financial Matters:  The accounts and AGAR forms were inspected and approved.  Proposed JH, seconded DH

Zurich Insurance renewal - £167.44. Proposed JH, seconded HH

NALC membership - £86.68.  Proposed HH, seconded MR

Clerks fees March to May £204. Cartridge Ink £40 Approved DH, seconded JH

General Correspondence:  Emailed to Councillors and noted.


Thanks were given to Chris Billam for attending the meeting and introducing himself as the new Community Development Officer.

BPC to check on boundary fencing and posts that have been erected at The Paddocks adjacent to Crossways following the demolition of the hedge.  SG has written to council, no response as yet.

SG has submitted the application to use a lamp post for lighting.  Waiting for further contact from Via.

A resident raised a question of who is responsible for stiles on the footpaths that are rickety and in need of attention.  Cllr L advised us to contact Mr Lewis at NCC.

Action SG

Quote received from J Cross re maintenance of the Green and memorial.

£120 one off for maintenance and varnishing of bench.  Approved JH, seconded AB £180 per year for maintenance of memorial and grass cutting.  Approved JH, seconded AB.

Cllr S advised that she will be handing back her chain of office shortly and has been honoured to serve her community in the role of Chairperson.  She was thanked for all her support over the years.

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