Next Meeting: 11/07/2018 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Members Of The Public:
Declaration Of Interest:
Jim Hawkins
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed JH, seconded AB
Planning Applications: Jim Hawkins left the room. The planning application 18/00773/FUL The Covert, Main Street, Bathley. The above planning application was viewed and discussed. Councillors unanimously supported the application.
JH re entered the room.
Financial Matters:
Cheques were raised for the following costs:
- Purchase of 2 new dog bins. £158 Proposed JH, seconded AB
- Payment to Zurich Insurance £167.44 Proposed MR seconded JH
- Payment of Macafee anti virus £129.98 (with £50 cash back) Proposed AB seconded JP
- Clerks fees £185. Approved MR, seconded JH
Further forms were needed to be signed by the three signatories in order to change the address for the Nottingham Building Society. BC, JP and SG had attended meeting at the Building Society. MR still needed to provide her identification details. Forms were signed and it was hoped that by the next meeting the address would be changed.
General Correspondence
Councillors, residents and their families have kindly been invited to the Civic Service on the 24th June 2018 to celebrate Cllr Saddington’s election to Chair of Nottinghamshire County Council. Interest was expressed from BC, JH, DH, HH and SG. Clerk to inform the County Council of numbers.
The placement of the new bins was discussed and it was agreed that there should be one at the Little Carlton end of the village and one by the salt bin at the Norwell end of the village. BC and JH to coordinate speaking to nearby residents and installing the bins.
There is an opportunity to get grant funding for the commemorative war memorial on the village green. Ideas were discussed and it was suggested that a red poppy shape in tarmac be laid around the stone which would make it more prominent and help with grass cutting around it. Clerk to apply for the funding.