
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 14th March 2018 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 16/05/2018 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)


Members Of The Public:

Declaration Of Interest:

Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes of 10th January 2018: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed HH, seconded DH

Financial Matters:  Annual Governance Statement and Exemption.  The annual governance statement was discussed and it was agreed that BPC meets the qualifying criteria for certifying themselves as exempt from sending the Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor.  The qualifying criteria is for smaller authorities where the gross income and expenditure is £25,000 or less.  This will save BPC paying external auditor fees.  It was agreed that BPC will declare themselves as exempt and the clerk will meet with the internal auditor after March 31st 2018 to complete the Annual Internal Audit Report.

Clerk has applied for grant funding from NALC for costs associated with adherence to the Transparency Code and a cheque has been received in the sum of £1745.00.

Cheques were raised for the following costs:

  • Grass cutting £150.00.  Approved JH, seconded AB
  • Clerks fees since September £290.  Approved MR, seconded AB
  • Electrician fitting new lights in defibrillator £15.00 Approved MR, seconded AB
  • Dog bin emptying £230.88.  Approved BC, seconded MR

The address for Nottingham Building Society statements is incorrect and needs to be changed to the Chair’s address.  The building society requires two of the three signatories to visit the branch with appropriate identification and minutes of this meeting with appropriate signatures.

It was agreed to change the address to Bathley Parish Council, c/o Mr B Cross, Redbrook, Hopyard Lane, Bathley, Newark, NG23 6DQ

Planning Applications: Councillors discussed the application for the Lawful Development Certificate for proposed extension of 2 storey rear extension at The Green 18/00396/LDC.  Residents have raised concerns about the proposed increase of height of the extension, the closeness of the extension to the neighbouring property and proposed further access onto Chapel Lane.  It was agreed that the clerk should arrange a site meeting with planning and the Chair. SS advised the contact details for planning and BL requested details to be forwarded to him with regards to the access and he will contact highways on our behalf as a further access would need approval by them.

Minerals Plan: BC advised that he attended the PAGE meeting to discuss the list of proposed new sites or extensions of sites.  The consultant will be formulating responses for the next consultation and another meeting will be set for July 2018.  BC asked if BPC would still like to be part of the consultation and contribute to the cost of the consultant.  It was agreed that BPC will remain in the PAGE group.

Website:  Clerk advised that she is creating a website through Hugo Fox who supply community websites free of charge.  This has been started, photos uploaded and further documents will be uploaded in due course so the site can go live.  JH requested that we have a page on the NSDC website.  Clerk advised that NSDC has been contacted without much success.  SS advised a contact name for assistance with this and the clerk will follow it up.  BPC now has its own email address which is bathleyparishcouncil@outlook.com.

Anonymous Letters: BPC has been contacted by a resident who has received anonymous letters regarding dogs barking.  BPC have communicated with the resident but can only advise that if this continues to happen, they should contact the police.

Parish Magazine:  AS advised that from April every resident will receive a Parish Magazine free of charge.  Due to the increase in volume of deliveries more volunteers will be needed so AS asked if any councillors would be willing to take a share of the magazines.  6 people with approx. 20 magazines should be sufficient.  DH, HH and JP kindly volunteered to help with MR in reserve and they will contact AS directly to coordinate.

General Correspondence:  BPC has received a letter requesting the installation of further dog bins to encourage dog owners who still don’t clean up after their dogs to use the bins.  Councillors noted the letter and agreed that not cleaning up after their dogs is a nuisance to other road and bridle path users.  It was agreed to purchase two more dog bins and locate one at the Little Carlton end of the bridle path and other near the salt bin at the other end of the village.  Clerk will look into costs for the new bins.

AOB:  JH enquired as to whether Bathley has a local plan.  BL advised that Bathley does not have a local plan and as we are a relatively small village, it would not be in our benefit to have one as costs would be incurred in producing one and the CIL charges would be increased.

Planning Training:  DH, HH and SG attended the training at Castle House.  All agreed that it was useful. Planning decisions have to be made according to planning policies that are laid down by government legislation which is available to view on planning web sites.  Clerk will forward councillors notes of the meeting.

Christmas Dinner:  Councillors acknowledged the good Christmas dinner that was attended by councillors and residents on 10th February.  We thanked The Crown for the good food and a good night was enjoyed by all.

Noticeboard:  JH advised that the noticeboard now has a moisture collector which helps with the ingress of water.

Flooding, signs and potholes: Councillors discussed the flooding on Vicarage Lane, pot holes throughout the village, the sign at South Muskham and the lack of a Bathley sign at the Norwell end of the village.  BL advised to contact Highways and clerk will follow this up.

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