I attended this appeal meeting yesterday.
I am writing to express disappointment with the performance of the Planning Team representing the Council who , in my opinion, appeared not to be fully conversant with the case in hand .
Their bearing was in contrast with a very thorough and reasonable Chair and a highly knowledgeable and skilled Appellant’s representative.
The team at times were unable to respond to simple, relevant questions posed by the Chair resulting in embarrassment for all. Rather in the manner of an ill prepared student in an oral examination (I have experienced this myself ).
The case made by the Highways department was barely supported at all by their representative – seeming to not know the case in hand and to not have visited the relevant site. To my (lay) mind safety of ingress/ egress of the site is paramount in this application
In summary – apparently poor case knowledge, preparation and presentation by an NSDC Planning team which appeared to have little interest or will to properly defend the Appeal.
I deliberately contact you at this time before the outcome of the appeal is known to me.
In contrast , congratulations from me to the Council for much good work on behalf of we residents !
Mark Hunter