Category : BPC Agendas

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 8th January 2020

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 6th November 2019
  4. Flooding and Roads
  5. Planning Applications
  6. Financial Matters
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 6th November 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of previous Meetings
  4. Flooding at Chapel Lane
  5. Planning Applications and appeal
  6. Financial Matters : Precept
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 4th September 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of previous Meetings
  4. Planning Applications and appeal
  5. Financial Matters : Precept
  6. General Correspondence
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 17th July 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meetings 8th May 2019 and 29th May 2019
  4. Planning Applications: 19/01200/FUL 
  5. Pinfold House – Householder application for proposed two storey and single storey extension and new vehicular access
  6. Financial Matters – Annual Accounts
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 6th March 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of 16th January 2019 Meeting
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Financial Matters
  6. General Correspondence
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 6th March 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of 16th January 2019 Meeting
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Financial Matters
  6. General Correspondence
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 16th January 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of previous Meetings
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Financial Matters
  6. General Correspondence
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8.00pm on 7th November 2018


  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 12th September 2018
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Remembrance Day Commemoration Service
  6. Dog Bins
  7. Financial Matters
  8. General Correspondence
  9. AOB
  10. Date of next meeting


Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8.00pm on 12th September 2018


    1. Apologies
    2. Declaration of Interest
    3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 11th July 2018
    4. Southwell Ploughing Match at Little Carlton
    5. Planning Applications 18/01554/FUL
    6. Remembrance Day Commemoration Service
    7. Grant for memorial
    8. Dog Bin emptying
    9. Financial Matters
    10. General Correspondence
    11. AOB – Repairs to safety rails at drain crossing, surface repairs near Hopyard Lane, Bathley Forum
    12. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8.00pm on 11th July 2018

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 16th May 2018
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Financial Matters
  6. General Correspondence
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting