
Category : BPC Agendas

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 11th January 2023

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 16th November 2022
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Roads
  6. Financial Matters
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 9th March 2022

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 12th January 2022
  4. Roads
  5. Planning Applications
  6. Financial Matters
  7. Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
  8.  Village Christmas Decorations for 2022
  9.  Bus Service
  10.  New members of Parish Council
  11.  General Correspondence
  12. AOB
  13. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 12th January 2022

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 3rd November 2021
  4. Roads and Speed Awareness
  5. Village Christmas Decorations for 2022
  6. Planning Applications
  7. Financial Matters
  8. General Correspondence
  9. AOB – Long service awards, Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
  10. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 3rd November 2021

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 8th September 2021
  4. Planning Applications: Discussion of Foxholes Solar farm
  5. Joyce Talbot deceased
  6. Roads
  7. Dog Bins
  8. Financial Matters
  9. Carol Singing
  10. General Correspondence
  11. AOB
  12. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 8th September 2021

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 7th July 2021
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Roads
  6. Financial Matters
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 7th July 2021

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 26th May 2021
  4. Planning Applications
  5. Flooding and Roads
  6. Financial Matters – AGAR
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 3rd December 2020

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meetings 7th October 2020 and
  4. Flooding – provision of further drainage – update
  5. Roads – pot holes – update
  6. Planning Applications Hill Farm Cottage, Caunton Road 20/01537 HOUSE   
  7. Dog bins
  8. Financial Matters
  9. General Correspondence
  10. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 7th October 2020

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meetings 26th August 2020 and
  4. Flooding – run off from Bathley Hill and provision of further drainage – update
  5. Roads – pot holes – update
  6. Planning Applications – 20/01842/FUL Moor House, Mill Lane
  7. Remembrance Day
  8. Financial Matters
  9. General Correspondence
  10. AOB – Wild flower planting in Village
  11. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 26th August 2020

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 11th March 2020
  4. Planning Applications 20/01537/HOUSE Householder application for single storey rear extension
  5. Flooding and Roads
  6. Financial Matters – AGAR
  7. General Correspondence
  8. AOB
  9. Date of next meeting

Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 11th March 2020

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes of Meeting 8th January 2020
  4. Flooding – run off from Bathley Hill and provision of further drainage
  5. Roads – pot holes
  6. Network Rail Meeting
  7. Planning Applications
  8. Financial Matters
  9. General Correspondence
  10. AOB
  11. Date of next meeting