
Notice of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8pm on 27th July 2016

  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest
  3. Planning Application
    1.  16/01096/FUL    PP-05304787
    2.  Householder application for proposed single storey front extension
    3.  The Bakery, Main Steet, Bathley
  4. Approval of Minutes of meeting 4th May 2016
  5. Approval of Minutes of Extraordinary meeting 28th June 2016
  6. Approval of BPC insurance premium
  7. Hedge Cutting
  8. Mineral Plan finance reconciliation
  9. Transparency Codes and possible grant
  10. BPC Website building fees
  11. Notice Board
  12. General Correspondence
  13. Clerks account
  14. New Bus Service
  15. AOB
  16. Date of next meeting

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