
Planning Permission – Dawn Haynes

Planning Application: 21/00306/HOUSE

Notice of Decision

Dawn Haynes


Main Street


NG23 6DA

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended)

Application for: Householder Application Application No:



Dawn Haynes



Erection of single storey garden room

Site Address:


Main Street


NG23 6DA

Newark and Sherwood District Council as Local Planning Authority in pursuance of their powers under the said legislation Grant Householder Application for the development described in the above application, subject to the following conditions.



The development hereby permitted shall not begin later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the following approved plans, reference SITE LOCATION AND BLOCK PLAN, SITE PLAN and GARDEN ROOM

Reason: So as to define this permission.


The development hereby permitted shall be constructed entirely of the materials details submitted as part of the planning application.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.



Planning Application: 21/00306/HOUSE


The garden room hereby permitted shall be used solely for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house and not for any commercial, industrial or business purpose.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity and for the avoidance of doubt.

Note to Applicant


The application as submitted is acceptable. In granting permission without unnecessary delay the District Planning Authority is implicitly working positively and proactively with the applicant. This is fully in accordance with Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).


The applicant is advised that all planning permissions granted on or after the 1st December 2011 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Full details of CIL are available on the Council’s website at www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/cil/

The proposed development has been assessed and it is the Council’s view that CIL is not payable on the development hereby approved as the gross internal area of new build is less 100 square metres A copy of the decision notice and the officer/committee report are available to view on the Council’s website.

Authorised Officer on behalf of Planning Development, Newark and Sherwood District Council

Date: 21 April 2021

Note: Attention is drawn to the attached notes.


Planning Application: 21/00306/HOUSE

Important note:

This permission refers only to that required under the town and country planning acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment, byelaw, order or regulation, including the passing of plans for the purpose of the building regulations which requires additional approval and a separate application must be submitted.

Approval of details (Reserved Matters): Applicants who receive an approval of details, known as “reserved matters”, under previous outline permission are reminded of the requirements as to commencement of the development within the time specified in the conditions attached to the outline permission and to ensure that any other conditions attached to that outline permission are complied with.

Discharge of Conditions: Please note the Discharge of Condition incurs a nationally set fee and the service normally has 8 weeks to respond to each request from date of receipt. Further details are available on our website at:


Material samples: Physical samples of materials for applications should not be submitted to the Council.

Photographs, brochures/weblinks and detailed product specifications should provide sufficient detail for assessment by officers. If an actual sample is needed, your case officer will contact you to arrange how they wish to view it.

Appeals to the Secretary of State: If you disagree with the decision of the Local Planning Authority to grant it subject to conditions, then you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. It is important to note that there are different time periods in which you can appeal from the date of this notice. Please note, if you seek an inquiry you are asked to give the Planning Inspectorate and local planning authority at least 10 days’ notice that you intend to submit an inquiry appeal. Further information is available on the Planning Inspectorates website at www.gov.uk/appeal-planning-inspectorate or contact their customer support team by telephone 0303 444 5000

or email enquiries@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

Minor Amendments (not applicable to Listed Building Consent): If you wish to make alterations to a scheme after it has been granted planning approval, some minor changes to approved plans can be dealt with under an amended plan procedure. If this is an option you wish to pursue, the relevant application forms entitled

“Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission” should be completed and returned to us along with scaled plans showing the proposed amendments and a fee. You can submit (and view guidance) your applications online or alternatively, please telephone our Customer Services on 01636 650000

who can arrange for a set to be posted to you.

We will in most cases accept the following as minor amendments to previously approved plans:

 Reduction in the volume/size of the building/extension

 Reduction in the height of the building/extension

 Amendments to windows/doors/openings that will not have any impact on neighbouring properties However, this advice is given on an informal basis only and is therefore not binding on any future recommendation, which may be made to the Council or any formal decision by the Council. We consider the following to normally take a development beyond the scope of the permission and will therefore require a fresh application to be submitted:

 Significant increase in the volume of the building/extension

 Significant increase in the height of the building/extension

 Changes which would conflict with a condition on the original approval

 Additional and/or repositioned windows/doors/openings that will have an impact on neighbouring properties


Planning Application: 21/00306/HOUSE

 Changes which would alter the description of development from the original application

 Amendments that would warrant re-consultation either of neighbours, council departments or statutory bodies

Further details are available on our website at: www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/planning/whathappensafterpermissionisdecided/

Disposal of any building waste: If you are having any building or remedial work done on your home or constructing a new dwelling, you have a ‘Duty of Care’ to ensure your waste is disposed of properly. Any contractor you employ or even if you arrange to have any construction or demolition waste removed yourself, the person you give it to must be a registered waste carrier. You should ask to see their Waste Carriers Licence and obtain a receipt for any waste which is removed. To ensure they are registered, you can also check with the Environment Agency online or by telephoning 08708 506506.

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