
Appeal Letter 20th August 2019

Bathley Parish Council would like to make residents aware that an appeal has been lodged regarding the land at Crossways as detailed below.

Appeal:  19/00015/DEC | Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for one Gypsy family with 2 No. caravans (including no more than 1 No. static caravan/mobile home), laying out of hardstanding, construction of access and erection of ancillary utility building | Land North of Crossways Off Main Street Bathley Nottinghamshire


Original Application  18/02219/FUL


There will be an informal meeting on the 17th September at 10am at the Newark and Sherwood District Council Offices, Castle House, Newark to discuss the appeal.

Your support is vital if we are to object to this appeal, strength in numbers is very important to show our commitment and concern about this application and the Parish Council would greatly appreciate your support by attending the meeting on the 17th.   Residents are invited to speak at the meeting and are strongly encouraged to do so.  If anyone would like to speak they need to inform planning of their intention to do so by the 28th August. Comments and notice of intention to speak can be made via email to nicolla.ellis@nsdc.info or planning@nsdc.info or direct to the planning website by registering.  We would like to encourage as many residents as possible to attend the meeting, even if they would rather not speak, to add weight to our concerns.

Bathley Parish Council would like to make residents aware that an appeal has been lodged regarding the land at Crossways as detailed below.

Appeal: 19/00015/DEC | Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for one Gypsy family with 2 No. caravans (including no more than 1 No. static caravan/mobile home), laying out of hardstanding, construction of access and erection of ancillary utility building | Land North Of Crossways Off Main Street Bathley Nottinghamshire


Original Application: 18/02219/FUL  https://publicaccess.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PIYD7WLB0DL00

There will be an informal meeting on the 17th September at 10am at the Newark and Sherwood District Council Offices, Castle House, Newark to discuss the appeal.

Your support is vital if we are to object to this appeal, strength in numbers is very important to show our commitment and concern about this application and the Parish Council would greatly appreciate your support by attending the meeting on the 17th.   Residents are invited to speak at the meeting and are strongly encouraged to do so.  If anyone would like to speak they need to inform planning of their intention to do so by the 28th August. Comments and notice of intention to speak can be made via email to nicolla.ellis@nsdc.info or planning@nsdc.info or direct to the planning website by registering.  We would like to encourage as many residents as possible to attend the meeting, even if they would rather not speak, to add weight to our concerns.

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