
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 3rd May 2017 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 12/07/2017 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB)


Madeleine Reed (MR), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)

Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith, Denise Smith

Declaration Of Interest:

Planning applications: None

Bus Service: Alan and Denise Smith updated the council on the new bus service proposal. It has been agreed that Bathley will be getting 5 buses a day including Saturdays, 4 on a regular basis with
the 5th being a request stop. DS informed the council that the service will commence on the 5th June and she will distribute a timetable before that date. Councillors offered to help with the distribution of timetables. BC thanked Mr and Mrs Smith for their perseverance in raising the bus service issue and getting it through to a good conclusion. Mr and Mrs Smith thanked the council for their support in the matter and for attending the meeting with the bus service representative.

Dog Bins: The cost of waste collection from the dog bins has risen to £1.85 per bin and will be collected on a weekly basis. The contract for 2017/18 dog bin waste collection has been signed.
Clerk to return it to NSDC.

Transparency code: Two quotations for a laptop and software were put forward. Using the money received from the Transparency Code grant funding which amounts to £650, it was agreed to
purchase the higher spec hardware on the basis that with a larger memory it would last longer and be more beneficial to the PC. An extended warranty was discussed but Councillors decided not to
purchase the extended warranty. Proposed JP, seconded JH

Minerals: The gravel extraction plan was discussed. BC informed the Council that he is liaising with the PAGE group to organise representation at the public hearing. Funding will be split between the relevant villages for the services of the consultant and BC asked the Council for backing to proceed with PAGE. Councillors gave their support to BC.

Financial Matters: NSDC is no longer providing a blanket insurance cover for Parish Councils. Clerk produced a quote from Zurich Insurers for like for like cover at a cost of £167.44 which is cheaper than last year. It was agreed to insure with Zurich. Proposed JP, seconded AB

JH provided the invoice for the ready kit for the defibrillator and a cheque was raised to Community Heartbeat for £18. Proposed JP, seconded HH

JH provided invoice for lamp in telephone box and a cheque was raised to JH for £3.00. Proposed HH, seconded AB

Clerk provided invoice for clerk services and a cheque was raised for £105.00. Proposed AB, seconded JH

Clerk advised that the Audit form has not been received yet from Grant Thornton so the accounts cannot be verified. Clerk to chase for form. It was agreed that the Audit will be dealt with at next

General Correspondence: A letter from David Saxton, the Honorary Treasurer of North Muskham Parish Church, was read out to Councillors. Mr Saxton thanked BPC for their kind donation of £190 to the parish church and informed the Council that services are now being held back in the church despite the ongoing works and all are welcome.

AOB: Noticeboard quotes were discussed again and BPC felt that it would be good to use a local person so it was agreed that we would go with ABC Fabrications. It was suggested that we have the
name ‘Bathley’ on the board and a bird deterrent on the top. JH kindly agreed to arrange this and it was agreed to pay a deposit to get the work started. A cheque was raised for £500 with the balance to be paid on completion. Proposed AB, seconded DH

Pot Holes: The pot holes in the village were discussed and Councillors felt that the repairs are sub standard and have not adequately addressed the problems. It was agreed that the clerk should
write to highways with a complaint. It was agreed that a member of the Council should meet with Highways to identify the problem areas.

Councillor Saddington: JH suggested that we acknowledge Cllr Saddington’s contribution to BPC. It was agreed that a bouquet of flowers to the value of £30 be sent to Cllr Saddington to thank her for all her hard work over the years in support of BPC. Clerk to arrange. Proposed JH, seconded DH

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