
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 6th November 2019 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 08/01/2020 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)


Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith, Alfie Podlaszewski, Christine Johnson

Declaration Of Interest:

Flooding at Chapel Lane:  Members of the public explained about the flooding problem coming from Cogley Lane hill due to excessive amounts of rain and blocked gullies.  The water runs down the hill and floods the road all the way over to Chapel Lane and they have had garages flooded as well as the paths up to the houses.  Also, the man hole cover is bubbling over.  Cllr Laughton took details of the residents’ concerns and will go back to the County Council on their behalf.  It is the responsibility of the County Council to maintain gullies but the landowners’ responsibility to maintain the dykes.  Cllr Laughton will liaise directly with the residents on these issues.

Planning Applications: Appeal:  19/00015/DEC.  It was unanimously agreed that the appeal conducted by NSDC fell way below the expectations of the Parish due to lack of preparation and knowledge from the panel.  Cllr Laughton and Cllr Saddington have expressed their discontentment, as have residents of Bathley, and these have been passed on to NSDC.  Cllr Saddington has written to Mr Jenrick and we await his reply.  From correspondence received, it seems that the decision of the Planning Inspectorate cannot be over turned. It was agreed to take the matter further and follow procedural guidelines with regard to any complaint made.  It was also agreed that our representative did not offer as much support as we had hoped, a letter of complaint has been written to Mr Harris and his reply has been forwarded to the Councillors.

Financial Matters:  The Parish Precept was discussed and it was agreed to bring the figures in line with neighbouring parishes and increase the precept by 5%. Approved JH, seconded DH.

Invoice for representation at Appeal Heating from Boyer Planning of £908.52 Approved.  Proposed DH, seconded HH

Invoice for 6 month membership of NALC £36.59.  Cheque payable to S Grogan. Approved AB, seconded MA

Invoice for wreath £20.  Cheque payable to J Hawkins.  Approved HH, seconded AB

General correspondence:  Correspondence has been emailed to Councillors and noted as follows:

NALC half day employment seminar

Robin Road mobile app - £150 plus VAT

Extreme Wheels road show for young people

What 3 Words

Home Education Policy

DeFib for Life

AOB: Carol singing has been organized for 16th December 2019.  SG to obtain licence and DH and HH have kindly agreed to do posters/flyers.  Donations will go to Cancer Research UK and North Muskham Parish Church

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