
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 4th September 2019 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 06/11/2019 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)

Jim Hawkins (JH), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)

Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith

Declaration Of Interest:

Planning Applications: Appeal:  19/00015/DEC.  Cllr Laughton advised that, contrary to previous information given, the meeting on the 17th September is classed as a hearing rather than an informal meeting.  The District Council has not employed a QC to act on its’ behalf so the hearing will be dealt with by the planning consultant that the Parish Council has employed.  Mr Nigel Harris will be speaking on behalf of Bathley Parish Council and he has been given all the information that we have in relation to the site, previous planning applications and historical data on road traffic accidents.

Financial Matters:  The Parish Precept was discussed and it was agreed to bring the figures to the next meeting and to discuss whether it should be increased to allow for the fact that we have had to employ consultants for the planning appeal.  Cllr Laughton advised that most parishes have put their precepts up by 5%.

Clerks invoice for £277.49 to include £37.49 for paper and ink cartridges.  Approved.  Proposed DH, seconded MR

Notification of Exempt Status for 2019 has been received from PKF Littlejohn LLP and there is no further review or reporting necessary for 2018/19.

General correspondence:  Letter received from Campaign to Protect Rural England about Conference on Affordable Homes on 12th November 2019.  Noted and will be put on Notice Board.

Request for Winter Service Assistance from NSDC.  It was agreed to request 5 free salt bags.

Letter received regarding the next stage of the public consultation of the Minerals Local Plan.  Cllr Laughton advised that following the recent PAGE meeting there has been a positive response to the plan as gravel will be extracted closer to where it will be distributed.  The quotas for the plan have nearly halved and the Averham Flash site has been removed.  It was agreed to support the plan with the proviso that there should be no further extension to the north towards Carlton on Trent as that will impact Cromwell and Carlton on Trent.

Letter received from NALC regarding membership of the Association of Local Councils.  It was agreed that Bathley should become a member as it will be of benefit to us to use their resources and legal team if necessary.  Cllr Laughton kindly pledged £100 from his budget for the membership subscription.

AOB: The BBQ at the Crown raised £1472.83 for Cancer Research and was a great success.  Thanks go to all who were involved in making the day such a success and for Jason and Alison for hosting the event at the Crown.  A letter of thanks will be put on the Bathley Forum.

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