Next Meeting: 16/11/2016 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Declaration Of Interest:
Matters arising from 27th July meeting:
Cheque has been paid to NSDC for Parish Council Insurance through Zurich Insurance.
Clerk has forwarded the requested information regarding the Iplan Minerals payment to North Muskham PC.
JH will follow up finding a local craft person to do the village noticeboard. Clerk gave some costings of other noticeboards. It was agreed to discuss again at next meeting.
Clerk has looked into Transparency Fund and found that in order to complete the application form we need costings for a computer/laptop and web hosting costs. Clerk has contacted NSDC and has been advised that the Council could host a web page for us but as this is a relatively new thing they are unable to to let us know what the cost to us would be. Clerk to do further investigation and report back at next meeting.
Hedge Cutting: BC is continuing to speak to residents regarding hedge cutting and it was agreed that Councillors would assist BC with finding homeowners numbers so that he can contact them.
Clerk has given contact number for resident requesting a road sign on Green Lane. JH requested that the sign should also read 'No through road'. Agreed.
Planning Applications: None
General Correspondence:
Invitation to a Public Sector Show on 22nd November in Manchester. Noted
Invitation to Public Meeting for NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups. Noted. Clerk to forward information to BC.
Great Place Pilot Scheme for Arts and Culture. Email forwarded to councilllors: Noted
South Muskham & Little Carlton Emergency Plan. This was discussed and noted. It was agreed that residents in Bathley will help eachother in the event of an emergency and that a plan was not necessary.
Quarry between Kelham Bridge and Rugby Club. It was noted that Councillor Saddington has had breifings regarding this and is in discussions as to how to move forward with this issue.
Fly grazing. No issues of fly grazing have been reported and letter has been noted.
Financial Matters: None
AOB: The problem of traffic congestion on the Great North Road was discussed. Councilllors are concerned about the build up of traffic crossing the roundabout from the A46 making it very difficult for vehicles approaching Newark from Bathley and surrounding villages to cross the roundabout to gain access to the town. The tailbacks often stretch back to South Muskham and Councillors felt that the situation was worsening and that it could cause major problems, especially in an emergency. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the council to request an area of yellow cross hatching.
Dog Bins: Councillors discussed whether the current number of dog bins was sufficient for the capacity. It was agreed that at the moment we have sufficient capacity but Councillors would continue to monitor the situation.