Next Meeting: 03/05/2017 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Jim Hawkins (JH), Madeleine Reed (MR)
Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the 11th January 2017 meeting were agreed. Proposed HH, seconded AB The minutes of the 2nd February 2017 Extraordinary meeting were agreed. Proposed HH, seconded DH
Planning Application: None received
Bus Service: The meeting with Chris Ward that was held at Norwell was very well attended by residents and Councillors from Bathley and BC thanked everyone who attended and put their views forward. The proposal following that meeting was to have a 90 minute service rather than an hourly service doing a round robin service encompassing Bathley. The planned sewerage works in Newark will probably have necessitated a longer turn around anyway as delays would be unavoidable due to ongoing road works. It was brought to the attention of the council by Mr Smith that when residents took the 333 bus at 9.42 on 8th March, there were only 2 seats left for the two people waiting at Bathley. It was lucky that there were no residents at Little Carlton wanting to get on as that bus cannot accept standing passengers. The advantage with the new proposal will be that the bus will be a regular size bus so would be able to hold more passengers. IT WAS AGREED that the clerk would write to Chris Ward to accept the proposal.
Cllr Laughton joined the meeting. He reported on the views of Caunton Parish Council regarding the new bus service proposals advising BPC that Caunton PC had not accepted the proposals as yet and discussions were still ongoing with them and Chris Ward in an effort to resolve the situation.
Transparency Code: £650 has been received from the grant funding for a laptop and software. Clerk to look into various packages and report back at next meeting.
Local Minerals Plan: BC advised the council that the support group PAGE (Parishes Against Gravel Extraction) has been set up again to attend the hearing that is due in June. BC will keep the council posted but PAGE has agreed to employ the services of Steve Simms who will attend the hearings on behalf of the villages involved. Payment for his services will be split between North Muskham, South Muskham/Little Carlton, Norwell and Cromwell with Bathley contributing 10%. BL advised that Averham and Kelham are aware of the PAGE’s actions and are happy that we proceed accordingly.
Financial Matters:
Clerks fees of £225.00 were agreed. Proposed AB, second HH
BC proposed to present the Air Ambulance with £1000. Proposed DH, second HH
BL advised that Council Tax will be increasing by 4.5% for the new tax year.
General Correspondence: Email forwarded to councillors regarding draft charging schedule for planning. Comments to be submitted by 7th April.
Redeeming our Communities Event at Kelham Hall – 22nd March. Notice to be put on board.
Hedge cutting: The hedging has now been cut back following the letter from BPC.
Pot Holes: It has been noted that the pot holes are getting worse all through the village. Clerk to inform council.
Bank Account: The Yorkshire Bank is closing and the clerk was tasked with finding an alternative bank. On investigation, Nat West will be severely cutting back their counter staff and she was advised to stay with Yorkshire Bank as banking facilities will still be available through the Post Office. Clerk to get relevant envelopes for paying in at the Post Office. It was agreed to stay with the Yorkshire Bank for the time being. Proposed AB, second JP.