
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 8th November 2017 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 08/11/2017 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)

Madeleine Reed (MR), Cllr Laughton (Cllr)

Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith, Denise Smith

Declaration Of Interest:

Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes of 20th September 2017: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed JH, seconded HH

Financial Matters:  Notice of half yearly precept received on 27th September 2017 for £682.50. Duly noted. It was agreed to discuss precept at next meeting in January in time for new financial year.  Invoice from Grant Thornton in respect of Annual Audit fee for £60.00.  Councillors agreed to pay invoice.  Proposed AB, seconded HH.

Planning applications:  None received

Minerals Local Plan - SS advised that a new consultation of the Minerals Local Plan is due in November for a 6 week period.  BL had asked for an assessment of the necessity of aggregate for the area which has advised that 18 million tons is required.  This is a significant drop and will reduce applications for gravel extraction.  Extensions to existing quarries are being taken into account which will reduce the need for new areas being targeted.  There is still no plan in place at the moment so applications are open to other organisations who wish to apply.  Ian Harrison will be convening a meeting in November to discuss the consultation questions.  Date to be agreed.

SS advised that the new District Council offices will be open on 25th September 2017 at Castle House on Great North Road.  There is an open day on 16th October 2017 that members of the public are invited to.  Clerk has a notice which has been put on the noticeboard.

SS advised that she is in discussions with Network Rail regarding the ongoing problems with the crossings.  SS has requested that barriers lowered and raised more quickly following trains as the build up of traffic queues at the crossings is causing deadlock in and out of Newark.  SS in still in ongoing talks to try to get further improvements.

8.45 BL and SS left the meeting.

General Correspondence:  Countryside Alliance Awards – Noted, Data Protection Workshop – Noted, Community First Aid request for venue – Noted, Rural Affordable Housing Meeting 28th September at Caunton – Noted

AOB  Dog Bins:  10 notices have gone out around the village to encourage residents to use the dog muck bins.  Councillors discussed buying a new bin and all were in approval.  The location was discussed.  Possibly by the stile near the public footpath at the Norwell end of the village but councillors were concerned that highways may object as the road is narrow there.  Another option is at Crossways.  BC to ask JC out of courtesy where he would prefer a bin to be sited.

Sign:  It was brought to the attention of councillors that there is no ‘Bathley’ sign at the Norwell end of the village.  BC will look into it and report back.

Fly tipping:  Fly tipping has been reported on the lane between Crossways and towards Norwell.  Plastic sheeting and plastic cans have been dumped in the ditch.  Clerk to contact Council to get them to remove it.

Carol Singing:  The carol singing date was agreed as the 18th December 2017.  Clerk to organize collection licence.

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