Next Meeting: 08/03/2017 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Dominic Heneghan (DH), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith, Denise Smith
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the 16th November 2016 BPC meeting were agreed. Proposed HH, seconded AB
Planning Application: None received
Bus Service: Mr and Mrs Smith have been in contact with Chris Ward of Nottinghamshire County Council and Cllr Saddington regarding the problem of the bus service to Bathley. Currently there are only 2 services a week, which is a lot less than surrounding villages. There is clearly a need for a better service to Bathley but it seems that Bathley has lost out on services due to council cut backs. This has caused local residents much inconvenience and hardship. Mr and Mrs Smith have put forward a proposal to Chris Ward of a round robin service encompassing Norwell, Caunton, Norwell Woodhouse which would enable a bus service to Bathley of 5 a day. Mr and Mrs Smith have put a great deal of time and effort into this proposal and are asking for the parish council’s support at a forthcoming meeting with Chris Ward, Cllr Saddington and the local surrounding villages to discuss the proposal. IT WAS AGREED that BPC would support Mr and Mrs Smith and BC and the clerk would attend the meeting. Proposed BC, seconded MR
Financial Matters:
The carol singing in December raised a substantial amount for BPC’s charitable causes. The total raised was £368.59. MR kindly offered to add £11.41 from the Crown Inn to round up the total to £380. IT WAS AGREED to split the amount equally between Cancer Research UK and North Muskham Parish Church. Clerk to bank the monies and get cheques signed and delivered. Proposed MR, seconded AB
Parish precept. Agreed to stay the same as last year. Proposed BC, seconded MR
General Correspondence:
County Council Boundary Changes: The boundaries for the local councillors are changing in May which will result in Cllr Saddington no longer being the District Councillor for Bathley. Clerk to put copy of Cllr’s email on the noticeboard.
Church Care Applications: Noted. Not needed in Bathley as no church.
Crime in Rural Areas: Response deadline extended to 15th February. Noted but decided at previous meeting that we did not need an action plan.
Transparency Fund: The clerk attended a meeting in Southwell on 11th January regarding funding to comply with the Transparency Code requirements. The clerk reported that BPC should apply for funding for a designated lap top, printer/scanner and software which needs to be Microsoft word/excel to be consistent. Once BPC has applied, hopefully received funding and purchased the hardware and software we can then put another application in for hosting of the website. IT WAS AGREED that the clerk should put the application in. Proposed JH, seconded HH.
Local Minerals Plan: BC has received a letter regarding site allocations for gravel extraction. The plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State. BC will keep the council informed and will discuss at next meeting.
Hedge cutting: BC has spoken to the resident in question to request that the hedging overhanging the Queens highway be cut back. No action has been noted so clerk to send him a letter requesting the cutting of the hedge.
Noticeboard: To be discussed at next meeting
Xmas Dinner: The dinner will be held at the The Crown in Bathley on 18th February 2017. Clerk to organise.