Next Meeting: 09/03/2022 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)
Madeleine Reed (MR), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Mr A Smith, Julie, Mrs J Minchella, Mrs K Podllaszewski, Mr A Podlaszewski,, Mr M Moody, Mrs M Kent, Mrs J Teague, Mr J Davis, Mrs E Collins-Moody, Mr James MacArthur
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting of 3rd November 2021 were approved. Proposed HH, seconded AB.
Roads and Speed Awareness: Mr Moody commented to the Council about some points regarding the roads: As there are many more cars, delivery vans stopping and parking and horse riders using the village roads some issues need addressing.
Speed awareness and signage is needed throughout the village from Foxholes to the last house going towards Little Carlton and Muskham Lane up to the crossings. There is no Give Way sign on Muskham Lane by The Crown and although the residents are aware of the blind right hand corner, other road users are not and especially, when the A1 is blocked and all the traffic comes through the village, the lack of Give Way signage causes a danger.
The 30 mile speed limit comes into effect quite close to the residential part of the village so cars are going fast down the lanes which poses a danger to horse riders and walkers as there are no footpaths. Also due to the hedges being over grown it is difficult for two cars to pass each other.
Mr Moody has suggested that new signage is required ie a Dead Slow sign with 2 meters apart for cars and horses through the village and Give Way sign at the junction of Muskham Lane and Main Street.
JH commented that it is a pressing need and that the speed limit that Little Carlton has put in place has made a difference. Cllr L said that 92% of drivers will follow signage but one can’t account for others. He mentioned that the speed restrictions highlighted in the neighbouring village took two years to happen and that volunteer traffic monitors would be needed in our village if we were to go down the same route. Attendees to the meeting expressed their wishes to volunteer if necessary.
Cllr L will arrange for a tube count in the village to get proof of traffic volume and speeds and we will await the results of that.
BC advised that he hadn’t heard about the salt bin refills. SG will follow it up.
Cllr L advised that Highways are doing away with Via Fix to repair the potholes and are moving towards a more robust and sustainable solution. A large overhaul of procedures regarding repair is in progress so there should be improvement in the future. Potholes can be reported via the Council website by any resident. SG will report the current potholes down Hopyard Lane, Main Street, corner of Crow Lane and entrance to Chapel Lane.
HH reported that a traffic light is out by Elizabeth House – SG to report light no. 2
Village Christmas Decorations for 2022:
The council thanked James McArhur for the use of his garden and electricity for the village Christmas Tree. Residents have done a very good job of organising it, and the carol singing and money was raised for the chosen charity. It was suggested that next year it would be better if it was in a more prominent position on The Green. SG will get the appropriate permissions in place and contact County Council about electricity connection from a lamp post. Mrs Kent has organised a village group who will meet and feed back to the parish council with their ideas.
Cllr L kindly offered £500 towards the cost of village tree installation and associated costs.
Planning Applications: None
Financial Matters: The precept for 2022/23 was discussed and it was agreed to raise it 3%. Proposed JH, seconded AB
SG advised that the token has arrived for the internet banking so BPC is all up and running. JH will confer with SG to change the McAfee payments to the new account.
Clerks fees: Payment of £190 for the clerks fees. Approved JH, seconded AB
General Correspondence: Information on Watercourses and riparian rights and responsibilities will be put on the notice board.
NSDC Planning agenda has been emailed and noted
AOB: Long Service Award Certificates were presented to Brian Cross for 40 years service and Julie Pulford for 35 years. Thanks were given to them for their work and support over the years.
Queens’ Platinum Jubilee. The celebrations were discussed and it was agreed that they should centre around The Crown. Mrs Kent will be having a meeting of the village group and will feed back to the council with thoughts and ideas for what we could do to mark this important occasion.
A discussion was held about a website and James McArthur volunteered to create a website which would be user friendly and easy to manage. The hosting costs would be £220 per year. He also advised that the current anti virus software that we have could be improved and SG will meet with him to discuss better options. James would also be interested in joining the council.