Next Meeting: 07/11/2018 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith, Christine Johnson, Rita Davison, John Jackson (Southwell Ploughing Match member)
Declaration Of Interest:
DH, HH abstained from the planning vote.
Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes of 11th July 2018: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed HH, seconded DH
Southwell Ploughing Match: John Jackson spoke about the up-coming Ploughing Match on the 29th September and advised that a traffic management company has been employed to deal with signage for the road closures between Little Carlton and South Muskham. There will be a one way system in place in the morning and evening in those areas so residents of Bathley will need to use the Muskham Lane exit out of the village on the 29th for one day. Mr Jackson promoted the event and Councillors and residents present said they will be happy to attend. Mr Jackson was waiting for confirmation of the buses that will be available to run on the 29th and will advise when he has further information from the bus company.
Planning Application: 18/01554/FUL – The Bakery, Main Street, Bathley. DH and HH abstained from voting due to neighbouring proximity. The plans were viewed and discussed. Councillors were unanimously in favour of the plans with two abstensions.
Remembrance Day Service. A letter from North Muskham Parish Council was read out regarding the arrangements for the Remembrance Service on the 11th November. Each parish has been invited to read the names of the fallen from their village at the service. The matter was discussed, reference was made to Trevor Frecknall as to whether he will be mentioned due to all the historical work he did. Councillors decided that the Bathley names would appear on the North Muskham list so we would not want to duplicate. Agreed to discuss at next meeting.
Grant for memorial: £300 in grant funding has been received for the memorial in Bathley. It has been agreed to promote it with the shape of a poppy surrounding the stone. Councillors will arrange to get quotes for tarmac, or resin and building work and discuss at next meeting. JH will do a mock up outline. All agreed.
Dog Bin Emptying: The newly installed bins are now being emptied by the council and have been added to their list. The bin at Mousehole Corner is not used as much so Councillors discussed the possible re siting or it being kept as a spare. DH will empty that bin in the meantime.
Financial Matters: None
Minerals Local Plan. A PAGE meeting held on 15th August 2018 and a synopsis was given to Councillors. In brief, it has been agreed at the meeting that the group would formulate their own responses to the new Aggregate Allocation Plan in order to preserve costs for when the consultant is needed to attend public enquiries. Councillors noted this.
General Correspondence: A letter regarding the Parish Council Conference was read out. Councillors noted the conference. Charity Hog Roast – noted. Dementia Care course – noted. Notices to be put on board.
AOB: Repairs needed to safety rails on Main Street by drain and surface road repairs noted. DH agreed to take pictures. SG to inform Via
DH put forward the idea of a Bathley Forum on facebook that residents could join. This would be for notices of local events and will be administered by DH. Councillors agreed it would be a good idea and would get the community more engaged with local issues. It was agreed that DH will do a flyer and distribute in the village.
Carol singing date was agreed for 17th December 2018. SG to get licence.