Next Meeting: 06/03/2019 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)
Madeleine Reed (MR), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)
Members Of The Public:
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes: of 7th November 2018 and 18th December 2018: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed DH, seconded HH
Planning Applications: No further planning applications have been received.
It was agreed that BPC had done all they could to inform residents about the planning application 18/022218/FUL and have responded to Planning with their objections. A decision by NSDC should be available after the 25th January 2019 and Cllr Saddington has requested that, if it should be approved by NSDC, it must go to the Planning Committee for full discussion. It was noted that we had very good support from the neighbouring parishes which BPC is very thankful for, and a letter of thanks will be sent to them. Cllr Laughton was also thanked for his help and support in the matter.
Financial Matters: Cheques were raised as follows:
- £150 to J B Cross for grass cutting. Proposed AB, seconded HH
- £299 to Jim Hawkins for the memorial on the green. Proposed AB, seconded JP
- £190 to Cancer Research from carol singing collection. Proposed DH, seconded AB
- £190 to North Muskham Parish Church from carol singing collection. Proposed HH, seconded AB
It was agreed that the precept should be raised by 2% to £1434.10. Proposed BC, seconded HH
It was agreed that clerk will submit her invoice by email to councillors before next meeting so as not to have to wait until March for payment. Proposed JH, seconded AB
The carol singing event raised £378.72. It was agreed that BPC make up the difference for the carol singing monies to £380 to facilitate easier distribution of the monies.
General Correspondence: Arien Designs re signage – noted, Utility Aid – noted, Safer Neighbourhoods Group Action notes – noted. No action needed on correspondence.
AOB: Cllr Laughton informed councillors that the County Council will be changing the speed limit on the A616. The whole stretch from Ollerton to Newark will have a 50 mile speed limit imposed which should make the road safer for users. We do not yet have a start date for the change to be implemented.
Concerns have been raised regarding two incidents of anti social behaviour which occurred recently at the Crown Inn by two separate people. Cllr Laughton advised that the police should be informed and an incident number obtained. BPC will inform the Landlords of the Crown and make them, and residents, aware that incidents of anti social behaviour should be reported to the police on 101.
The dog bin at the Norwell end of the village has been moved into storage and will be used to replace the one on the green when it is needed.
SG will contact Highways regarding the state of the railings at Elm Farm. They need repairing.
It was agreed that BPC will send a letter of thanks to the neighbouring parishes who supported our objections to the planning application. Clerk will draft a letter.