
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 16th November 2016 @ 8.00pm

Next Meeting: 18/01/2017 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)


Members Of The Public:
Mark Addison

Declaration Of Interest:
Planning application 16/01766/FUL: Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of 4 bedroom detached house with garage - Jim Hawkins (JH) declared an interest as the husband to an executor of the adjacent property.

Approval Of Minutes:
Minutes were approved. Proposed AB, seconded HH

Planning Application:   Planning application 16/01766/FUL: Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of 4 bedroom detached house with garage.  Planning application was available to view at the meeting.  Councillors approved the plans unanimously with one abstention as above (JH)

General Correspondence:

Winter Service Salt and Grit Bags:  It was agreed that no salt bags or grit are needed as there is nowhere to store them.

Seasonal Decorations:  If any seasonal decorations are wanted that overhang the public highway then the parish council have to apply for a Section 178 licence.  It was agreed that a licence was not necessary as there are no overhanging decorations.

Holocaust Memorial Day:  Holocaust Memorial Day is 27th January and would the council like to fund a memorial?  Noted and agreed that the council feels that although it appreciates the sentiment funds are not available at this time for a memorial.

Supporting Local Communities Fund:  It was agreed that JH would look into the communities funding.  SG to forward email to JH for consultation.

AGM for Newark & Sherwood Homes 24th November: Noted. Email forwarded to councillors – BC may go to meeting if possible.

Bin Collection:  Noted. Bin collection notices noted but not applicable as Christmas and New Year fall within normal timetables.

Planning: Noted Email forwarded to councilors regarding draft charging schedule.

Citizens Advice AGM: Noted.  AGM details forwarded

Transparency fund:  Meeting to be held on 11th January 11.30-1.30 to discuss funding options.  Clerk declared an interest to go.  It was agreed that clerk should attend.  Any other councillors would be welcome to attend.

NCC Community Commemoration Fund:  It was agreed that BPC do not have any further events planned so funding would not be necessary.


Financial Matters:  Clerks wages – July 2016 to Nov 2016 - £155.00  Agreed



Burglaries:  It was agreed that clerk should put notice on board to be vigilant over the Christmas period.


Hedge cutting:  Concern was raised regarding overhanging hedging at Little Carlton on the right hand side of the road.  It was agreed that the clerk should write to Little Carlton PC to see what could be done.


Carol Singing:  Carol Singing has been arranged for 19th December 2016 with proceeds going to Cancer Research and North Muskham Parish Church.  Clerk has licence in place for door to door collection.  Clerk to do flyers/door to door notices for councilllors to distribute.


Xmas Dinner:  Noted


Date of next meeting:  18th January 2017 (Later changed to 11th January)


Meeting closed at 8.50

Meeting re-opened at 8.55 - Cllr Saddington arrived.


Cllr Saddington adivsed that talks are ongoing regarding the bus service for Bathley.  SS is in talks with the relevant authorities and local residents regarding a service encompassing Bathley, Norwell, Caunton, Little Carlton and surrounding villages.  Cllr Saddington advised that, as there are more budget cuts in this area, if a bus service is delivered to Bathley then it is imperative that the residents use it so as to prove a need for the service.

Cllr Saddington pledged £200 for a new noticeboard for BPC.  BPC thanked her for her contribution.

It was noted that Cllr Saddington will not be the Councillor for Bathley in the future as the boundaries have changed.  The Parish Councillors will be very sad to see Cllr Saddington move on.  We wish her well in her forthcoming role and thank her for all her support and hard work for the village over the years.

Mr Bruce Laughton will be taking the parish council post and BPC will welcome his support and hope to continue good relationships with Cllr Laughton and Cllr Saddington.

The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting at 9.15

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