
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 17th July 2019 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 04/09/2019 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)


Jim Hawkins (JH), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)

Members Of The Public:
Alan Smith

Declaration Of Interest:
Julie Pulford - neighbouring resident to planning site

Approval Of Minutes:
Approval of minutes of 8th May 2019: The minutes were agreed as a true record. Proposed DH, seconded HH. Approval of minutes of 29th May 2019. Proposed AB, seconded MR

Planning Applications: Planning application 19/01200/FUL Pinfold House. Householder application for proposed two storey and single storey extension and new vehicular access.

The planning documents were viewed and discussed.  Concerns were raised regarding increased water drainage due to larger roof surface area as the drains from the existing property go through the neighbouring property’s garden.  Concerns were also raised regarding visibility on the corner where the proposed access will be.

Councillors voted to approve the proposal with two provisos.  The drains must be adequate and sufficient to cope with extra surface water from the increased roof area and the hedge or fencing at the front should be kept to the existing height so as not to interfere with visibility around the bend in the road.

Approved 5, objected 0, 1 abstention

Financial Matters:  Bank statements are up to date and the accounts were approved by councillors and the internal auditor, Alan Smith.  It was agreed that Bathley should again be exempt from external auditing and that the Certificate of Exemption will be sent to PKF Littlejohn Accountants in accordance with their guidelines.

Highways:  Discussions were had regarding hedge trimming and parking on the road.  It was agreed to inform residents to ensure they do not park opposite each other on the road in order to leave enough room for large farm machinery to get past.  The view of the highways inspector at the site meeting on 20th May was that chicane parking is more acceptable as long as sufficient space is left between vehicles as it forces traffic to slow down.

General Correspondence:  Forwarded via email and noted

AOB:  DH enquired about the planning at Crossways and whether we have been notified of any further developments.  BC advised that as there is no inspector, nothing has been put in place but an appeal has been lodged.  Access to the site was discussed and it was agreed that until we are notified of the appeal documents and a date we cannot comment.

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