Next Meeting: 07/09/2016 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Sue Saddington (SS>
Members Of The Public:
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
Minutes were approved. Proposed DH, seconded AB
Insurance: The cost of the Parish Council Insurance through Zurich Insurance is £211.05. This was approved by the Councillors. Proposed HH, seconded JH.
Hedge Cutting: BC highlighted the fact that various hedges are overlapping the road causing damage to passing cars and restricting visibility. BC has spoken to some residents and asked for phone numbers of home owners so that he could call and ask if they would be willing to cut their hedges. AB raised a point regarding the land opposite the Watermill on the bend towards Norwell. Councillors are not sure who owns the land but the encroaching hedge is posing a problem by restricting visibiliy on the road. BC will continue to find numbers of homeowners and asked Councillors if they would assist him in finding homeowners numbers. It was agreed that Councillors would assist BC with this task.
Mineral Plan Finance Reconciliation: The Clerk to North Muskham PC has been asked to reconcile the figures paid to the Iplan Minerals Plan. On reviewing the accounts, BPC paid at total of £1100.00. This was agreed by councillors and Clerk will forward the information on to North Muskham PC.
Transparency Codes and possible grant: A letter was distributed to Councillors regarding funding to help Parish councils comply with the Transparency Codes. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to look into it regarding setting up a Parish website and getting funding for a designated Parish computer. Clerk will research the grant on offer to see if we would be eligible for the above and report back at next meeting.
BPC Website building fees: A letter from 88tm regarding website building and hosting was distributed to Councillors. It was agreed that grant funding should be looked at first and then we would look at website builders. It was agreed that using a local firm would be more beneficial and cost effective and that we would wait until the result of the possible funding came through.
Notice Board: Clerk provided initial prices from Greenbarnes for a 3 bay board in man made timber and one from Noticeboards online for a twin door aluminium board. These were discussed and it was agreed that we should look at replacing both boards with a larger board rather than have two to maintain. JH and BC will ask around for local joiners to give us a quote and a timescale of getting one in place before winter. MR enquired about who provided the board at South Muskham and Clerk will find out who supplied their board and report back.
Clerks account: Clerks fees of £160.46 was approved. JH proposed, HH seconded.
New Bus Service: Clerk has put timetable received at present on noticeboard but is not sure that it is finalised as discussions are still ongoing. It was agreed to add telephone numbers of Highway's representatives on the timetable in case of any queries.
General Correspondence: New bus service as above was discussed.
Planning – 16/01096/FUL PP-05304787
Declaration of Interest: DH, HH
Councillors viewed the plans supplied but were unclear as to the legalities of who owns the land in question. Until this is finalised Councillors could not make an informed decision and decided therefore that they would object to the plans on these grounds. It was also noted that there would be congestion on the drive for the neighbouring properties.A vote was taken – there were 2 abstentions from DH and HH due to declaration of interest and 5 objections.
AOB MR enquired about the road sign for Green Lane, Clerk is still following up on question of who's responsibility it would be.
The audit was received back today and has been approved by the Auditors.