Next Meeting: 07/07/2021 8:00 pm
Location: The Crown, Bathley
Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)
Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S), Alan Smith (Internal Auditor)
Members Of The Public:
Clint Holgate
Declaration Of Interest:
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting of 3rd December 2020 were approved. Proposed JH, seconded DH. The proposed meeting of 3rd February 2021 was cancelled due to the Covid Pandemic.
Planning Applications: Greengates Farm Field reference number 9857 Caunton Road, Bathley 21/00818/FUL unanimously agreed
Roads: Flooding at the crossroads: Mr Holgate offered to dig out the dykes causing the flooding however BC was concerned that there might be a safety issue if he were to do it himself. BC will speak to Cllr Laughton about who we should use to do the work. Culvert at Hopyard Lane: JH said that the flooding issue is still a concern as the culvert gets blocked causing water and debris to wash over the road. Cllr Laughton will take the matter to the County Council once again.
Pot Holes: A resident put forward a proposal for the repair of pot holes using the Roadmender Asphalt Elastomac system – a thermoplastic innovation that includes nine end-of-life tyres recycled into every tonne which bonds to the road, rather than using tarmac which disintegrates too quickly. This was passed to Cllr Laughton who will introduce it to the County Council. MR identified further pot holes on Main Street and up near Sunnybrook Farm. It was agreed that BPC will continue to identify and complain to the Council about this ongoing problem.
Financial Matters: BPC have received the cheque for the closure of the second account with The Nottingham Building Society. Both cheques have now been cashed into BPC’s Yorkshire Bank.
The annual accounts were available to view and were approved. Thanks were given to AS for his support with financial matters and auditing.
Clerk advised that Yorkshire Bank has teamed up with Virgin Money and are offering Business Internet Banking. The matter was discussed and it was agreed that SG should set up an internet account for BPC with SG as the RFO and signatory and all transactions would be agreed and approved at meetings.
Cheques were approved and raised for the following:
- McAfee Anti Virus renewal to JH £129.98 approved BC, seconded HH
- Community Heartbeat Defibrilator Pads to JH £51.60 approved DH, seconded MR Donation from BPC to Historical Society in memory of Mr Peter Beresford to JH £40. Approved DH, seconded JP
- NALC Membership £79.87 approved MR, seconded AB
- Zurich Insurance £167.44 approved JH, seconded HH
- Dog bin collection to NSDC £499.21 approved JH, seconded AB
- Clerks fees to SG £155 approved MR, seconded HH
General Correspondence: Emailed to Cllrs and noted. No matters arising.
AOB: The poppy memorial on the green is showing signs of wear. It was agreed that JH would look at repairing it.
JH advised that The Ramblers Association have brought out a new website called Don’t Lose Your Way which identifies lost footpaths. There are two footpaths in Bathley that have been identified and JH was concerned that they go between the houses and may cause concern due to safety aspects. This was noted.