
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 3rd December 2020 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 03/02/2021 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L)

Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB)

Members Of The Public:

Declaration Of Interest:

Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting of 7th October 2020 were approved. Proposed JH, seconded DH.

Flooding – provision of further drainage:  The matter of drainage was discussed and Cllr Laughton noted the comments and will take it to the County Council/Roads department.  The farmer at Hopyard Lane has done as much as he can to dig out a drainage channel but it does go under the road so there is the question of responsibility in this case and it is not his responsibility to undermine the road, although the run off is probably doing that anyway.  This could be causing a danger to property and lives.  Regarding the flooding at the north end of Bathley, there is an historical issue.  There used to be a pipe which flowed in the other direction into a dyke but the original landowner sold the land to housebuilders who apparently covered over the pipe so each plot along that stretch is an individual plot and not in the jurisdiction of the council.  Therefore, the current owners would have to see what was mentioned on their deeds when they bought the properties as the gardens to the rear encompassed the original drainage which, possibly they weren’t aware of.  Cllr Laughton has made enquiries of the council but because the plots are privately owned it would be down to the landowners to sort out further drainage issues.

Pot Holes:  Recent pot holes have been identified and also some road verges.  BPC do not think that the repairs of the pot holes are sufficient or adequate as they fail again soon after they have been repaired.  The roads in the area continue to deteriorate and this is an on going problem with the Highways department.

Planning Applications: Hill Farm Cottage, Caunton Road.  20/01537/HOUSE – unanimously agreed

Dog Bins: Cllrs reported that there have been missed bin collections.  It was agreed that clerk contact the council to report this. JH stated that there are no liners in the bin at Hopyard Lane. Clerk to report to council about this also.  Discussions were held regarding the introduction of CCTV down Hopyard Lane but it was agreed that at this time the PC would not introduce such measures but monitor the situation instead. Clerk reported that the invoices for the dog bin collection will now be issued in March 2021 due to the pandemic so we will receive a bill for the full year in March.

Financial Matters:  BPC have received a cheque for the closure of one of The Nottingham Building Society accounts that The Nottingham want to close.  This has not been cashed as BPC have two accounts with The Nottingham so it was agreed that BPC should wait to receive both cheques before paying them into The Yorkshire account.  Clerk has investigated why we have only received funds from one account and is awaiting a response from The Nottingham.

JH stated that he had not cashed the cheque for the wreaths from 2019.  A cheque was raised for JH for the wreath that he bought in 2019 and also for one to be bought in 2020.  The original cheque was destroyed and a further cheque issued for £40 for the new wreaths.  Proposed BC, seconded HH.

General Correspondence:  Resident enquiry concerning lamp post poppies.  This was discussed at length but it was felt that the memorial we have is sufficient and that the problem of who would put the poppies up, take them down and storage would be a safety issue so it was agreed that we would not be purchasing lamp post poppies.

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