
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 3rd November 2021 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 12/01/2022 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Adam Bradley (AB), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)


Members Of The Public:
Mr A Smith, Ms J Griffin, Ms W Smalley, Ms Lowe, Ms Johnson

Declaration Of Interest:

Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting of 8th September 2021 were approved. Proposed DH, seconded HH.

Planning Applications: Discussion of Foxholes Solar Farm.  BPC discussed the positioning of the solar panels on the land in question and found that they could not find a reason to object to the proposal.  BPC have not been specifically requested to submit an opinion so the matter is still to be discussed should the need arise.

Joyce Talbot Deceased: BPC is very sad to learn of the death of Mrs Joyce Talbot.  Joyce was a long standing member of the community and served on the parish council for a number of years.  She passed away on the 21st October 2021 aged 84 years.  She is fondly remembered by all who knew her, and BPC’s condolences go to her family, Russell and Clare.  She will be missed.

Members of the village will be present at her funeral on 12th November and it was agreed that BPC should donate £15 to the British Lung Foundation and £15 to the Notts and Lincs Air Ambulance Association in accordance with her wishes.  Proposed AB, seconded JP.

Roads:  The man hole cover and debris at the junction of Vicarage Lane has been attended to by the Council. The sign at Fox Holes Farm has been re instated. The guard rail opposite Elm Farm has been inspected and is awaiting further action, the pot holes on the bend near the beginning of Hopyard Lane are being investigated.  The application for a concealed entrance or slow sign at the end of Hopyard Lane are still ongoing and the Council will get back to BPC with their advice as to what signage could be put in place.

SG will note the further pot holes in the village.

Dog Bins: The positioning of the dog bin was discussed with members of the public present and options were put forward.  It was agreed that BPC would place the bin in a more central location on The Green so that it was more accessible to all users.  BC will reinstate the bin on The Green in due course and the Council will be informed of it’s new location so it can be given a number and scheduled in for emptying.

Financial Matters:  Invoice for Dog bin emptying April to October £249.60.  Approved JH, seconded MR

It was agreed that a new wreath be purchased for the memorial on The Green and a cheque was raised for £20 payable to JH.  Approved AB, seconded HH.

The online bank account is nearly up and running with the addition of the token for internet access.  SG finalising the process.

The precept was discussed at it was agreed to discuss it at the next meeting.

Carol Singing:  It was agreed that, although it would be great to do, in the circumstances it was not felt appropriate to go door to door.  BPC would like to keep the fund raising aspect alive until it can be done in person and it was suggested that BPC do flyers similar to what they had in the past for the singing, but instead, requesting donations to the charities that we have supported – ie North Muskham Church and Cancer Research UK.  DH to organise the flyers and distribution within the community.  Details can also be put on the Bathley Village Forum,

General Correspondence:  Emailed to Cllrs and noted.  No matters arising. Information will be put on notice board.

AOB:  Long time service nominations have gone to NALC for Brian Cross and Julie Pulford who have served their community for a great many years and deserve recognition.  The AGM of NALC will be held remotely on Zoom on the 17th November and nominees are encouraged to participate if they can.  Certificates will be posted after the event.

It was agreed to discuss the Christmas dinner at the next meeting

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