
Minutes of Bathley Parish Council Meeting 9th March 2022 @ 8pm

Next Meeting: 12/01/2022 8:00 pm

Location: The Crown, Bathley

Brian Cross (BC), Jim Hawkins (JH), Julie Pulford (JP), Dominic Heneghan (DH), Hilary Heneghan (HH), Madeleine Reed (MR), Sally Grogan (SG)

Cllr Laughton (Cllr L), Cllr Saddington (Cllr S)

Adam Bradley (AB)

Members Of The Public:
Mr A Smith, Mrs D Smith, Mrs J Minchella, Mrs K Podllaszewski, Mrs E Collins-Moody, Mr P Skillings, Mrs R Davison, Mrs C Johnson, Mr J MacArthur

Declaration Of Interest:

Roads and Speed Awareness:  Mrs Collins-Moody requested further signage regarding horse riders throughout the village.  Cllr L explained that signs can’t just be put up without a count of traffic and he is organising a tube count of the traffic.  He said he would put in a bid for horse riding signs in the meantime and requested Mrs Collins-Moody’s contact details so he can keep her informed directly.

JH commented that the sign that was put up regarding no footpaths is too far from the village, consequently the positioning is wrong.  Cllr L will see if it can be repositioned.

The pot holes are a continuing problem and there are a number of very deep ones throughout the village and on Crow Lane which pose a danger to motorists and cyclists.  Many are on the verges at the sides of the road, specifically on the bend near Hop Yard Lane, causing vehicles to drive in the middle of the road to miss the pot holes.  These have been flagged on the NSDC website.

Planning Applications:  Pinfold House 22/00410/S73.  Unanimously supported

Financial Matters:  Invoice received from NALC for £79.70.  Approved JH, seconded MR.

Mr J MacArthur has gifted a lap top to the council and also his expertise in creating a new website.  The council thanked him for both and are very appreciative. The logo has been agreed. It was agreed that the hosting of the website would be paid by the council and would be a yearly fee of £230.  Proposed DH, seconded MR.  We await the invoice.

SG to reapply for the funds from the Councillors Divisional Fund from Cllr L.

It was agreed that the council pay the deposit for the band for the Sunday Jubilee Celebrations in the sum of £250. Proposed DH, seconded JH

DH has applied for funding from NSDC for the Jubilee Celebrations but is awaiting confirmation from them as to what funding is available.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: Proposals so far are as follows:  Thursday, fish and chips from the Crown and walk through the village.  Friday, quiz night at the Crown, Saturday, village fete with face painting and book stall, Sunday, live band and BBQ.  The issues regarding closing the road and applying for licences was discussed.  A risk assessment would need to be done and a road closure would be problematic for traffic.  If the celebrations were down Chapel Lane there would need to be toilets provided, a licence for alcohol, also extra insurance would need to be purchased.  The council’s opinion was that a scaling down of events may be prudent and were reluctant to close the road. Members of the council will meet with the Jubilee team to discuss further.

Bus Service: Mr Smith informed the council that Wrights bus service is finishing at the end of March and residents are concerned that they will lose the service they fought so hard to get.  Cllr L advised that Notts CC are negotiating with Marshalls bus services regarding the villages for future contracts.  Covid has had an impact regarding the funding from the County Council and there are talks regarding joining the Mayoral district of Nottingham with that of Derby.  That will be a larger area but will give Nottinghamshire more lobbying power.

New Members of Parish Council: Interest in joining the Parish Council was noted from James MacArthur, David Hemstock and Karen Podlaszewski.

General Correspondence: Emailed and Noted.  Email from Mark Hunter asking for update on the flooding issues from Bathley Hill.  BC will contact Mr Duckworth for an update and will inform Mr Hunter.

AOB:  Grant funding for the Jubilee was discussed.  At the moment we are waiting for the council to give us a figure of what we can apply for.

Cllr Saddington advised that there has been a rise in council tax of 4%.  Cllr Saddington also advised that she is working closely with the NHS Health Scrutiny Unit to improve services at Queens Med and City hospitals which will improve access to primary health care.  Dedicated cancer care will be available at one hospital while the other will deal with more general issues.  This will streamline resources.

A meeting with the Jubilee team was set for the 13th April (later changed to 20th April)

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